I'm only a simple woman who wants to have many stars

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

TEFL Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)

             TEFL Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)

                                      (adapted from Crookes & Chaudron,1991 pp.52-54)

Hi teachers !!!! Which one is your teaching technique? let's share 

  1. Warm-up: Mimes, dance, songs, jokes, play. This activity gets the students stimulated, relaxed, motivated, attentive, or otherwise engage and ready for the lesson. It does not necessarily involves use of the target language.
  2. Setting: Focusing on lesson topic. Teacher directs attention to the topic by verbal or nonverbal evocation of the context relevant to the lesson by questioning or miming or picture presentation, possibly by tape recording of situations and peole.
  3. Organizational: Structuring of lesson or class activities includes disciplinary action, organization of class furniture and seating, general procedures for class interaction and performance, structure and purpose of lesson, et
  4. Content Explanation: Grammatical, phonological, lexical (vocabulary), sociolinguistic, pragmatic, or any other aspect of language
  5. Role-play demonstration: Selected students or teacher illustrate the procedure(s) to be applied in the lesson segment to follow. Includes brief illustration of language or other content to be incorporated
  6. Dialogue/Narrative presentation: Reading or listening passage presented for passive reception. No implication of student production or other identification of specific target forms or functions (students may be asked to “understand”
  7. Dialogue/Narrative recitation: Reciting a previously known or prepared text, either in unison or individually.
  8. Reading aloud: Reading directly from a given text. 
  9. Checking: Teacher either circulating or guiding the correction of students’ work, providing feedback as an activity rather than within another activity.
  10. Question-answer display: Activity involving prompting of students responses by means of display questions (i.e. teacher or questioner already knows  the response or has a very limited set of expectations for the appropriate response). Distinguished from referential questions by the likelihood of the questioner’s knowledge of the response and the speaker’s awareness of that fact.
  11. Drill: Typical language activity involving fixed patterns of teacher prompting and student responding, usually with repetition, substitution, and other mechanical alterations. Typically with little meaning attached
  12. T ranslation: Student or teacher provision of L1 or L2 translation of given text
  13. Dictation: Student writing down orally presented text.
  14. Copying: Student writing down text presented visually
  15. Identification: Student picking out and producing/labeling or otherwise identifying a specific target form, function, definition, or other lesson-related item.
  16. Recognition: Student identifying forms, as in identification (i.e., checking off items, drawing symbols, rearranging pictures), but without a verbal responses.
  17. Review: Teacher-led review of previous week/month/or other period as a formal summary and type of test of student recall performance.
  18. Testing: Formal testing procedures to evaluate student progress.
  19. Meaningful drill: Drill activity involving responses with meaningful choices, as in reference to different information. Distinguished from information exchange by the regulated sequence and general form of responses
Semicontrolled Techniques
  1. Brainstorming: A form of preparation for the lesson, like Setting, which involves free, undirected contributions by the students and teacher on a given topic, to generate multiple associations without linking them; no explicit analysis or interpretation by the teacher.
  2. Storytelling (especially when student-generated): Not necessarily lesson-based, a lengthy presentation of story by teacher or student (may overlap with Warm-up or Narrative recitation), May be used to maintain attention, motivate, or as lengthy practice.
  3. Question-answer, referential:  Activity involving prompting of responses by means of referential questions (i.e., the questioner does not know beforehand the responses information). Distinguished from Question-answer, display.
  4. Cued narrative/Dialogue: Student production of narrative or dialogue following cues from miming, cue cards, pictures, or other stimuli related to narrative/dialogue (e.g., metalanguage requesting functional acts).
  5. Information transfer: Application from one mode (e.g., visual) to another (e.g., writing), which involves some transformation of the information (e.g., student fills out diagram while listening to description). Distinguished from Identification in that the student is expected to transform and reinterpret the language or information.
  6. Information exchange: Task involving two-way communication as in information-gap exercise, when one or both parties (or a larger group) must share information to achieve some goal. Distinguished from Question-answer, referential in that sharing of Semicontrolled Techniques
  7. Wrap-up: Brief teacher- or student-produced summary of point and/or items that have been practiced or learned.
  8. Narration/Exposition: Presentation of a story or explanation derived from prior stimuli. Distinguished from Cued narrative because of lack of immediate stimulus.
  9. Preparation: Student study, silent reading, pair planning and rehearsing, preparing for later activity. Usually a student-directed or –oriented project.
  10. Role play: Relatively free acting out of specified roles and functions. Distinguished from Cued dialogues by the fact that cueing is provided only minimally at the beginning , and not during the activity.
  11. Games: Various kinds of language game activity not like other previously defined activities (e.g., board and dice games making words).
  12.   Report: Report of student-prepared exposition on books, experiences, project work, without immediate stimulus, and elaborated on according to student interests. Akin to Composition in writing mode.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015



Mungkin sedikit sharing mengajar bahasa Inggris agar tidak monoton dan itu itu ajah, aktifitas ini seru banget loh mahasiswa ini ditugaskan untuk membuat suatu drama realiti show dalam bahasa Inggris , mereka melakukan dengan baik sekali dan menghibur, efeknya juga bagus untuk mereka untuk melatih bahasa Inggris terutama conversation, saya melakukan ini agar mahasiswa tersebut berani untuk berbicara bahasa inggris dan melatih mental dan kepercayaan diri, luar biasa seru, kegiatan ini beraja di kampus Akademi Pariwisata Jakarta di Cempaka Putih.

 CERITANYA SIH EMPAT MATA, DENGAN PRESENTER TUKUL ARWANA dengan cerita wawancara chef dan pengusaha dalam bidang pariwisata yang terkenal

CERITANYA REPOTASE DAN REALITY SHOW BASA BASI cuma gak kefoto banyak seru cuma repoternya ngumpet masih malu-malu but they're great

Nah Kalo yang ini presenternya (MC) mereka belajar menangani acara sendiri belajar menjadi a good presenter

Seru kan...bisa dicoba disekolah atau kampus tempat para blogger mengajar, melatih kepercayaan pelajar sendiri , cemumut yaa!



Hi Blogger, berdasarkan pengalaman kemarin bantuin keponakan bikin seserahan untuk pengantin, saya ingin share sedikit nih cara membuat seserahan handuk menjadi boneka, boleh dibilang masih amatir tapi lumayan lah untuk pemula yang disibukan dengan kegiatan mengajar, kita mulai yaa.

 1. Yang kita butuhkan hanya handuk, karet, pita, koran bekas itu ajah sish sisanya kreativitas hehehe. lipat handuk jadi 2 kemudian dipinggirnya dibuat telinga dengan cara dikaret..liat contoh atas deh.


2. Kemudian ikat kedua telinga dengan karet biar gak terpisah seperti cinta yang selalu terpisah ( hadeeeh)
3. Masukan kertas koran kedalam nya..secukupnya yaa agar terlihat berisi, atau jika dikasih dakron juga bisa( tergantung pendanaan  heheheh).

4. Nahh setelah itu ikat lagi pakai kare, kalau karetnya putus trus pakai pita juga gak pa2 liat gambar diatas, hampir menyerupai kelinci deh pokoknya. 

 5. Kemudian ikat ujung-ujungnya dengan karet hinggga berbentuk tangan dan kaki, mudah kan?
6. Kalo kupingnya masih loyo, bisa dimasukn kertas koran biar bisa berdiri. 

7. Nah disini letak kreasinya bisa diletakan di box atau diberi pita atau rok (itu baju sipengantin loh dibuat rok kelinci) 
8. Berikan mata, pita dan aksesoris lainnya biar cute (kaya yg punya blog hohohoho ) 

Nah Lucu kan, bisa dijadikan seperti ini , atau kreasi blogger sendiri, kalo angsa2an seperti dibelakang juga mudah kok, pakai kertas koran dilipat kaya kipas..semoga berguna yaa, jgn lupa comment thanks you all. 

Daru Susanti